Treating muscle and joint pain
The PostureFit approach to pain and injury management is bespoke to you. That is why we offer a free, no obligation chat either in clinic or over the phone to help you understand what we do.
PostureFit help you uncover the root cause of your pain and injury.
Are you ready to take ownership of your own body?
Each of us has a unique history full or injuries and physical experiences. Our treatment process utilises Gary Wards Anatomy In Motion, our biomechanics knowledge podiatry training and inquisitive mind to uncover the root cause of your current issues. These current issues are very often only a symptom of something else not working so well, which are related to an historic injury or physical event elsewhere in your body. Once the root cause of your pain is identified we can implement an approach to deliver a lasting treatment plan.
AiM – Anatomy In Motion
If you are not familiar with Gary and Anatomy in Motion. Here is a short clip of AiM being delivered to a patient on the BBCs Dr In The House presented by Rangan Chatterjee.
Rangan required some ‘out of the box’ thinking with Ray, the father of the household he was helping. Ray had been experiencing severe back pain for over 20 years and had been to every back specialist practitioner he was able to access. The only help he was given was for pain relief and was regularly taking high doses of Co Codamol, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol and Tramadol to manage his back pain.
In just 2 hours of AiM assessment and movement techniques Gary re-aligned Rays body until he was completely pain free.
What you waiting for?
Appointments available in clinic
Our 90 minute initial consultations includes video gait analysis, Footscan™ dynamic gait and posture assessment, Posturescreen™ analysis, injury history analysis, full body muscle and joint screening……followed by treatment plan and video support.