Plantar Fasciitis can be a pain in the A%$&

Plantar Fasciitis can be a pain in the arch. It is often used as an umbrella term to capture any pain suffered on the sole of the foot from heel to toe.

Plantar fasciitis can affect just one foot, but it can affect both feet in some cases. Pain from plantar fasciitis typically develops gradually over time. The pain can be dull or sharp. Some people feel a burning or ache on the bottom of the foot extending outward from the heel.

Although pain is local to the foot, the condition can impact other body parts and whole wellbeing of the person who is suffering.





Foot pain may cause adapted walking patterns which lead to overload at the knees or hips, causing further pain and injury. These associated pains become a vicious circle of trouble which stops people doing the things they enjoy doing. Not doing things we enjoy can impact our mental wellbeing and then impact our families too.

If you suffer with plantar fasciitis, then get an understanding of these contributing factors and find your road to your recovery.


Facts and alternative facts

What are the root causes of plantar Fasciitis? Is there a single cause?



People who carry extra pounds suffer PF due to the extra body weight putting additional stress on our soft tissue and muscles.






Wearing the wrong footwear can lead to people sustain painful feet.











Standing for too long

Standing on the spot for long periods can be uncomfortable for many people causing discomfort all over the body. Feet, knees, hips, back and shoulders can all become painful


Previous injuries

People who have previously suffered PF and be predisposed to suffering injury again in the future.


Posture and over pronation

People with flat feet can suffer PF pain due to the constant stress and lengthening of the foot muscles on the sole of the feet.





Plantar fasciitis is most common in people between the ages of 40 and 60





Other Factors

We all have complicated physical histories. Many factors can impact the development of plantar fasciitis and other pains for that matter.

Alternative Facts

This may be a contributing factor. Certainly, pregnant ladies can start to suffer PF during pregnancy, perhaps due to the rapid increase in ‘body weight’ (baby weight).

But we also see plenty of slim, relatively light body weight people suffering PF.

So there could be other more significant contributing factors.


Our feet were never designed to wear shoes.

With 26 bones and 33 joints in each foot our feet were clearly designed to move.

Shoe design which can negatively affect foot comfort:

  • Toe box too narrow
  • Heel cup too restrictive or controlling
  • High heels, but shoes to flat can be an issue for some people
  • Sole too stiff
  • Sole too cushioned

There is a growing number of supporters for minimalist shoes and barefoot activity. Wearing no shoes can be a fearful activity for many people suffering foot pain. It is also a therapeutic activity stimulating sensation to our skin in the feet, encouraging bones and joints to move and stretching muscles and soft tissues in a way they don’t always experience.


Standing still or moving not far can be painful and tiring on the whole body. The same can be said about too much sitting.



Sometime the previous injury might not be foot related. Injured ankles, knees, or hips may be the route cause to feet suffering symptoms – which we diagnose as PF.
Think hard about this one. PF may be a symptom, not the cause!


Flat footed people who ‘over pronate’ suffer PF pain. But so do people with high arched feet.

Not everyone has flat or high arched feet. Some people have one flat and one high arched foot.

Not everyone has PF in both feet at the same time. Some people have unilateral PF, just on one foot.

The author would prefer to view ‘over pronation’ as ‘under supination”.

The body is loaded with big strong muscles to supinate feet and the body. We have few muscles that cause pronation.

So we actually lack supination!


This is the most common age range but the is not exclusive.

Younger age groups may be suffering due to growth spurts and growing pains.

Adolescence can be a challenging time for the brain and body to manage. The body is growing. Limbs getting longer. Bodyweight changing. New activities and exercises being introduced, and the brain needs to manage the organisation of the 200+ bones and 600+ muscles for pain free movement.






Other things to consider:

  • Eye dominance
  • Vestibula system – Ear balance system
  • Operations and scars
  • Previous broken bones
  • Sporting incidents
  • Work and social activity



PostureFit can help people like you uncover the root cause(s) of your pains and start you on the road to recovery.

We start by:

  • Looking in detail at your injury and physical history. There are often many clues as to your current suffering.
  • Analyse your walking pattern 
  • Screen your foot pressures in stance and dynamic gait.
  • Test the muscles and joints of your whole body.
  • Start to explore the movements you can do and ones you can’t

We can now work with you as an educator and student rather than patient and therapist, to help facilitate you to learn how to take control of your own body and pain. We will teach you techniques and strategies to recover a pain free, free moving body.

Book a FREE DISCOVERY call to help us understand your concerns,

and help you understand if our approach is right for you.


We also work with businesses offering employee health and wellbeing workshops

To learn more about how PostureFit can help you or your business address back pain as well as a host of other health and welbeing services –